A Pinto Stands Out In A Crowd!
A Pinto Stands Out In A Crowd!
In 1968 four friends, who loved broken coloured (skewbald and piebald) horses and ponies, recognized that they were not always as well accepted in the horse show world as were solid coloured horses. They decided to see if anyone else felt the same and therefore may be interested in starting a registry for these horses.
They placed an advertisement in the Sydney Morning Herald, asking for anyone interested in forming a charter to the American Pinto Society, to contact them. In no time there were many interested parties which led to the formation of the Australian Pinto Horse Association (APthA) in 1974. The breed and colour guidelines (including exemptions of certain breeds), and Standard of Excellence was developed from the American Pinto Society rules. There were no height restrictions, so that ponies and horses were eligible for registration.
Classification days were held where horses were inspected for both colour and conformation. Horses were required to meet the Standard of Excellence in regard to conformation together with minimum colour requirements. Classification was conducted by accredited classifiers, using a point system. Stallions required the highest point score followed by mares, with geldings not being breeding stock, requiring a lesser point score in order to pass registration. If a horse failed to meet minimum colour or minimum point scorerequirements it was not registered. Out breeding to other established riding type breeds was encouraged to further improve on the quality of duly classified Pinto stock.
Branches were formed in most other states, all under APthA rules. With such interest and so many people involved, soon APthA became Pintos Australia, with the aim of having one central registry with an office and paid registrar. This office was located in Adelaide and the cost to each stateof running a national body, together with sending delegates to regular meetingsbecame costly for state branches. Due to the increasing costs the states decided to disbandPintos Australia so that each state reconstituted as a state association, agreeing that all former member states would maintain similar rules and exchange association information and newsletters.
In NSW the original Standard of Excellence and exemptions of certain breeds was adhered to. Further rules were established to ensure the continued improvement in the standard of registered Pinto stock. Members were notified well in advance that Pinto’s born after 1st August 1982 must be by a stallion registered with an approved society. Then by 1st August 1987 both parents must be registered with an approved society. All stallions also required a veterinary certificate stating that they were free from certain hereditary defects, all horses were still classified to ensure they met the required standard.
NSW decided in 1998 after over 20 years of classifications and 10 years of both parents being registered with a recognised breed association that classification of Pintoswould cease. Stallions always required a veterinary certificate of soundness which is still required currently. Pintos can now be registered with proof of breeding and ownership together with photos, with a proviso that border line colour horses/ponies and hardship mares may still be inspected for registration, if required.
Due to the requirements put in placeover the many years since inception the quality of the registered Pinto continues to improve. The Pinto Horse Association of NSW Inc. has worked to establish a Pinto breed not just a pinto colour registry by maintaining breed type requirements with a Standard of Excellence.