A Pinto Stands Out In A Crowd!
A Pinto Stands Out In A Crowd!
Pintos (as defined) are a riding type ie. A light horse breed, primarily of warm blood ancestry. There are no restrictions on height. The ideal Pinto must have conformation that is sound, attractive and sows breeding quality.
HEAD: Should be of proportionate size and in balance with the body size, but should not show coarseness of bone. It should be straight to slightly concave at the midsection of the nose bone, on profile. Jowls should be circular and deep with well- defined edges, the hollow between them free of flesh and of good width. The throat should be well arched, lose and detached. The head should taper to the muzzle which should be small and square. The nostrils should be comparatively large, thin edged and flexible, set nearly parallel with the profile I repose and capable of good expansion. Ears should be wider at the base tapering to fine tips. Ears should be set well apart at the base and be of a balanced proportionate size to the head. Eyes should be large, bright and oval in shape, being set about one third the distance down from the base of the ears to the muzzle.
NECK: Should be well crested in stallions and lightly crested in mares and geldings, (not heavily crested) nicely arched and of good length. It should join the shoulder neatly with a gentle curve. There should be no coarseness of the neck or over development of the windpipe.
BODY: Chest to be of medium width. Shoulder well sloped, long, clean flat and capable of free movement. The withers should be placed well back, being clean and well defined and are always higher than the highest point of the croup. The girth should be deep and the ribs round and well sprung. The back must be fairly short and comparatively straight. Loins should be short and strong. Coupling of barrel to hind quarters to be short, with strong hindquarters that are muscled and comparatively long from point of croup to dock and from point of hip to point of buttocks. Croup should be gradually curved to the dock, not drop away at an angle from its point.
LEGS: Gaskins and thighs should be well muscled. Cannons to be on third the length of the forearms in front and of the thighs behind. Feet should be rounded in front and slightly narrower behind. They should be of an oblique angle in front and slightly more upright behind, when viewed on profile, sound and of relative size to the body. Legs should be strong and of dense bone, straight with flat good sized knees and hocks. Legs must not be course boned. Pasterns should be of medium length, at about an angle of 45 degrees – 47 degrees in front and about 50 degrees behind. Hoof slope should follow the slope of the pastern. When standing, forefeet, viewed from the front, should be pointing straight ahead, while the hind feet may turn out slightly provided hock and action are straight.
TAIL: Should be well set, not above a level with the back and not too low. It should be carried out gaily with moving. It should not be excessively crooked.
Walk: Flat footed in four time, hind feet clearly overstepping the fore print.
Trot: Two time beat, free and rhythmical forward movement, the diagonal legs moving together.
Canter: Three time showing engagement of hindquarters.
Gallop: Four time, free and ground-covering.
All gaits should produce a comfortable ride, with straight, true leg action, showing good cadence throughout.