A Pinto Stands Out In A Crowd!
A Pinto Stands Out In A Crowd!
At the request of some of our members we have reintroduced an Annual point score competition that
will run between 1st September 2018 and 30 August 2019. All horses must be registered/current foal
recorded and their owners must be financial members.
Entry forms and performance sheets are available to download below.
The categories are as follows
High Point Junior Horse at halter
High Point Stallion
High Point Mare
High Point Gelding
High point Youth
Each category will have two sections city and country.
Definition of city – horses stabled within 150km of Sydney CBD.
Country horses stabled further than 150km from Sydney CBD.
If there are not at least three horses entered in each category, the awards MAY BE amalgamated, e.g. High Point Male City or High Point Male NSW.
Entry Fee $20 per category, entry form must be completed, payment may be made by direct deposit
using your name and Point score as reference or cheque/money order if mailed. Performance sheets
must be signed by the judge, show secretary, committee member/liaison Officer (must be in attendance
on the day). Points must be lodged with the point score officer within 30 days of the event either by
email highpointpintonsw@gmail.com or post to PO Box 918, PARRAMATTA NSW 2124
Points may be gained at all Agricultural shows, breed shows, regional shows,
Other open competitions such as camp draft, team penning/sorting, show jumping, dressage,
equitation also count.
Remember you must provide all details of the completion, date, venue a contact name phone
number /email address for the organisers so that your points can be verified. If it is found that you
have falsified any submission you will be expelled from the competition and your entry fee forfeited.
Breed classes other than Pinto DO NOT count. All open company classes e.g. Led Open pony mare of
Open pony hack DO count.
Youth Points may only be obtained in handler or rider classes. Any class where the horse is judged e.g.
Child’s Hack DO NOT count.
1st 4 points
2nd 3 points
3rd 2 points
4th 1 point
Champion (where each sex is judged) 3 points
Reserve Champion (where each sex is judged) 2 points
Champion Exhibit 4 points
Supreme Exhibit 4 points
Attendance 1 point
Double points apply for Open classes where there are four or more entries in the class
Additional point score sheets maybe downloaded from our website or contact the Point
score officer via email highpointpintonsw@gmail.com